Broken Iron is a prototype for an 2D platformer/action game with a focus on free movement and reactive combat that either demands careful dodging or aggression once your opponent's guard is down.

Controls are specified ingame, but can be found here:

Movement/AimWASDLeft Stick/Dpad
DashShiftLeft Bumper
Light AttackJ/Left MouseX
Heavy AttackK/Right MouseY
Special AttackL/FB

The player has access to an air dash and special moves which drain a slowly refilling energy bar, and additionally the last hit of their light combo and heavy attacks may be cancelled into certain forms of movement or other attacks. Light attacks lead into heavy, and heavy into special.

Enemies have a posture bar showing up when they take damage. Upon being fully depleted, they take massively increased hitstun and knockback, allowing for freeform combos.

The game has a single, short stage featuring 2 enemy types, basic platforming, and a boss. More levels as well as mechanics will occasionally be added to this demo and specified in the description here.

Credits for the assets are as follows:

Protagonist & Boss Sprites: Clembod's Knight and Bounty Hunter pack

Wolf Enemy: Admurin

Witch Enemy: OcO

Sound Effects: Either original or taken from Helton Yan's Old-School Shonen SFX

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